I recently cleaned the windows for a new client, and she told me that they hadn’t been cleaned since they where installed. She mentioned that she had hired a window cleaner for her daughters wedding but he never showed up and she was so busy with the wedding plans that she never followed up on it. So many times I’ve heard stories like this, or cleaned windows at a house or business and find scratches on the glass from a previous window cleaner, or heard horror stories of a customers bad experience. But why does this happen? Sadly, anyone now can pick up a squeegee and say they can clean windows, but what they don’t realize is that cleaning windows is an art. It takes skill and practice. Glass is fragile, and there is a technique to cleaning it that must be learned. On larger houses windows can be hard to access, so you must have the right tools and knowledge to complete the task. I heard that there is a window cleaner here who only does one level houses, how much business is he missing out on just because of his lack of experience and equipment?
I also recently received a call from a local window cleaner wanting to sell me his accounts as he was only doing this aside from his other job and could no longer keep up with it. All of this tells me that there are so many average Joes picking up a strip washer and squeegee and saying they can clean windows then either 1) don’t show up to the job 2) don’t have the equipment or experience to complete the job, or 3) are not committed enough to stay in business. Unfortunately the window cleaning industry is polluted with people like this and the one who suffers the consequences is, sadly, the consumer.
So I guess the question is, how do you know the window cleaner you are about to hire is a quality, genuine, real-life, window cleaner? The short answer is - Research. How long have they been in business? Do they have insurance? Although it’s not required in the state of Oklahoma if they have insurance that means they are serious and committed. Do they show up on time to give an estimate? Do they have referrals? A lot of times I know I got the job before I even show up to the house to give an estimate because I can tell, just by talking to the person on the phone, that they’ve done their research and have already decided to hire me. Those are my best clients, and I know I’ve done a good job because they keep calling me back to re-hire me.
In short, don’t be fooled by all these average Joe window cleaners, take the time, do the research, and know before you buy.